
Proprietor Siegfrid Pöder Family
Via delle Fontane 20
39021 Tarres (Laces)
Phone:  +39 347 6082777
VAT No.:  01689200218
CIN:  IT021037B5W3EOTS5J
Web Design Ltd. - Internet Agency South Tyrol
Picture material © Tourism association Latsch - Martell
Castel Coira - Johannes Jakob Trapp
ArcheoParc Senales s.r.l.
Viva Latsch s.r.l.
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Privacy Your personal data is stored in our IT address archive in order to be able to respond to any enquiries you may submit or to possibly send you advertising material. In this context you may, however, exercise the rights pursuant to Art. 7 of law 196/2003. The holder of your data is Siegfrid Pöder Family.

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